Hire Lawyers to Get your Money Back in Sharjah

Sometimes you get a cheque by an account holder and upon going to the bank to get the money you found that the cheque is bounced. We can relate the panic created at the time. You may get discouraged and start thinking to sue the account holder. However, this is not a good approach. Calm down, think critically, and hire the best advocate to recover debts.
Why cheques get a bounce? 
Following are the major reasons for bad or bounced cheque:
       Inadequate funds
When the heir does not have enough money in its account than the person will not be given the money. The cheque will be returned to the person. The reason for bounced cheque will be written on it and the person who wrote the cheque will be charged.
        Invalid Date of the Cheques
Sometimes the cheque is submitted in the bank after many days of writing it. Thus when the cashing date is passed then you will not get the money. In this case, you need to write a new check.
        Incorrect Signatures 
The person signing the cheque should make sure that he has used a valid sign for that cheque. Otherwise, the cheque will get bounced and you will not get your payment. This is because of a security issue and if mismatch cheques were accepted then people will start playing with the signatures. Therefore it is necessary to match the sign before submitting it.
        Ambiguity in written amount
Amount written in numbers and words should be the same otherwise the check will get bounced and will not be assisted. 
Our “No Win No Fee” approach 
If in case you did not get your money back than we have a “No Win No Fee” approach for you. So, we will not charge you in case of unsuccessful debts. Our associate lawyers in Sharjah will try our best possible strategy to get positive outcomes.
If the check holder refuses any of the above-listed reasons in case of bounced cheque than you need not worry. Hire our associate legal consultants in Sharjah who are skilled in handling such cases. They will handle your case through negotiation and takes legal action if necessary.


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