What to Do About Cyberbullying in Sharjah?
Social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook are one of the few common social media platforms to share pictures, messages, and videos. The Internet is a vast world that has made it easy for everyone to connect virtually. The presence of these social media websites allowed us to connect with people make friends online and exchange pictures, messages, and videos. However, sometimes specific messages, pictures, or videos socially embarrass us in the virtual world, and we name it cyberbullying. The lawyers in Sharjah are efficient in handling cyberbullying cases for you in the UAE. Moreover, they can assist you in the legal procedures for filing against such crimes. · Controlled Access There is no specific age to access the internet, and there is no law that restricts an individual below a certain age to access social media or the internet. However, there are certain guidelines issued by the Telecommunications Re...